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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Whats in a name?

This morning my daughter came running into my bedroom and exclaimed, "when I went downstairs I had a huge Fart". My wife corrected her and stated, "toot". My daughter paused a minute and went on with her story. While I sat there and listened to this exchange I wondered what was so wrong with the word, "Fart". I remembered as a young lad being scolded for the use of the word. I must say I didn't understand it then and I surely don't understand it now.

There are a limited amount amount of other options to describe this bodily function.

  • Toot
  • BreakWind
  • Let Air out of Your Bum
  • Scuds
  • Flatulent

None of the aforementioned synonyms sound better then "Fart". From everything that I can ascertain "Fart" does not have another meaning that could be deemed offensive. Therefore, I am making an impassioned plea to give the word, "Fart" the dignity it deserves by acknowledging it as the proper term to describe the bodily function.

From this day forth, I can only hope that young children across the land will be able to go downstairs and have a huge, "Fart" and be able to tell someone and laugh.


Blogger Unknown said...

what about the following,

cutting the cheese
letting louey loose
big ripper
drop a rose
a stinky
gas attack

these are just a few more ditties that Steph and i came up with.


2:14 PM  

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