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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Corporate Volunterism

What is more rock n' roll than the song "American Idiot" by Green Day? Not much in my estimation. Unfortunately I believe that new corporate anthem should be called "Corporate Idiot". Maybe someone like Kelly Clarkson or N'sync can sing this new corporate anthem. If this song was made I think the lyrics would go something like this:

I got a job working for the bank
I got a job working for the bank
The CEO is who I thank
They asked me to work 8 hours, I work way more
A work week is 40 hours I work 74
Everyone does it, it is how I will get ahead
I will be manager of corporate affairs before I am dead

I got a job working for the bank
I got a job working for the bank
The CEO is who I thank

74 x 74x74 I will work them all
Start in the branch and then move down the hall
This is the real world don't you see
Here comes a new recruit and he is just like me

My point being that when I sit around and listen to people who work in the corporate sector they all seem so excited and proud that they work 60 hours weeks. They all explain that they put in copious amounts of overtime (and don't charge the company) because it shows initiative and it is a good way to move up the corporate ladder. Young men and women everywhere proud to work 10-12 hour days under the guise that they will move ahead.

From my perspective I think corporate Canada has pulled a brilliant heist as they have convinced many people to work copious amounts of volunteer hours (for billion dollar corporations) with the carrot being that they will move ahead. I think then next logical step is to get their employees to donate to the company through payroll contributions. Is this CIBC or the United Way???


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